Business + Video = Good branding

Quality video works wonders for business. We know because it’s literally our business. When it comes to production we like to get creative, thinking out the thematic elements and how it all ties together. Those elements form an expression of your brand, evoking emotional feedback for your audience to tap into. We’ve filmed a variety of works from fitness to fashion, education, healthcare, restaurants, tequila, Bill Nye, Tommy Hilfiger, and even cute small dog videos. Whatever it is, your story is our specialty.

Hasalon restaurant

Herradura Tequila

Four drink tutorial shoots in one day, followed by a live event selecting the winner.

Summit Academy

This video may or may not have been responsible for getting Summit on “Ellen” - granting their graduating class a massive scholorship & much needed funding.

Cabo Mexican Cuisine

Lives right on their website…

What better way to detail the experience at this restaurant?

Virtual Health Solutions

This one’s for a virtual app to help you live your healthiest life!

Mythic VR

Architects using virtual reality to bring their vision into something more tangible than a blueprint or 3d model.

Authentic Shaolin Kung Fu

The most legit kung-fu studio on long island.

Bayside Brewery

The brewing process juxtaposed with ballet to accentuate the finesse and craftsmanship of this fine beer.

Bridal Gal

See celebrity makeup artist “Lily” Bridal Gal in action.